Family Day I February 17: 10 am – 6 pm
Good Friday I April 18: 10 am – 6 pm
Easter I April 20: 11 am – 5 pm
Victoria Day I May 19: 10 am – 6 pm
Canada Day I July 1: 10 am – 6 pm
BC Day I August 4: 10 am – 6 pm
*STORE HOURS MAY VARY. For details regarding specific store hours, please contact the 商户 联系。
Google地图 以获取可打印的地图和详细的行车路线。
可在以下链接找到公共交通路线或自行车锁車环的位置。期待您的来临 !
The Woodgrove Centre parking lot has five access points: the south parking lot at Aulds Road, east parking lot at Dickinson Crossing and Island Highway, and the north parking lot at Mary Ellen Drive from Island Highway. If you are heading north on Nanaimo Parkway, you can enter the mall by turning right onto Mary Ellen Drive.
The best access for Hudson’s Bay is off Aulds Road into the south parking lot. Hudson’s Bay also has rooftop parking available. Sport Chek and Avalon Cinema Centre are best accessed from Aulds Road to the south west parking lot. To access Winners, take the Mary Ellen Drive exit off Nanaimo Parkway to the north west parking lot. For Toys R Us, enter from the Island Highway and Dickinson Crossing intersection to the east parking lot.
为使客人购物更轻松,我们提供大量停车位和便捷的入口。商场设有超过3600个常规和小型车停车位,再加上87个残疾人士专用停车位,2个EV充电站和8个Tesla增压器站。 Woodgrove 购物中心的大型停车场光线充足,并设有停车场保安。在所有主要的购物中心入口和主要商店的入口,都设有残疾人士专用停车位和家庭停车位。
Nanaimo Transit巴士环路位于购物中心和西端近3号入口附近。
Nanaimo City Bus: 250.390.4531
HandyDART: 250.390.3000
Bike & Ride: 250.390.4531
Uride RideShare: Download the App & Book A Ride
A/C Taxi: 250.753.1231
Yellow Cab Nanaimo: 250.751.1111
Community Shuttle Services: 250.716.9397
Seaporter: 250.753.2118
Airporter: 778.441.2133
BC Ferries: Website or 1.888.223.3779
Hullo Fast Ferry: Website or 236.362.1045
Vancouver Transit: 604.521.0400
Blue Bus Vancouver: 604.985.7777